“46% of Women Lie Awake at Night Because of Stress”

—American Psychological Association

According to the American Psychological Association’s 2021 Work and Wellbeing Survey, 3 in 5 workers reported experiencing negative mental and physical impacts due to work-related stress.


Noted a Lack of Interest, Motivation, or Energy


Reported Emotional Exhaustion


Noted High Levels of Physical Fatigue

Qualtrics found that 79% of workers across 26 countries felt “at or beyond workload capacity” in 2020.


Women's Stress Level


Men's Stress Level

More women report experiencing extreme stress than men.

On a 10-point scale, individuals reported their stress level to be at an 8, 9, or 10.

—Stress in America™

Women continue to report higher stress levels than men.

Both genders agree, however, that 3.6 is a healthy stress level, pushing women nearly two points beyond the level of stress they believe to be healthy.
—Stress in America™

  • Women’s Stress Levels on a 10-point Scale is 5.3
1 is “little or no stress”
10 is “a great deal of stress”
  • Men’s Stress Levels on a 10-point Scale is 4.6
1 is “little or no stress”
10 is “a great deal of stress”

Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic women face additional inequalities and challenges to their mental health, such as racism and stigma, and are at particular risk of experiencing Common Mental Disorders.

The Benefits of Rest

Rest is not a luxury; it is a catalyst for positive change. It enhances creativity, fosters resilience, and promotes overall well-being. At The Rest Spot, we believe that by prioritizing rest, individuals can achieve the following:

Enhanced Productivity

Rested individuals are more focused, creative, and productive, leading to greater personal and professional accomplishments.

Improved Mental Health

Adequate rest reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting mental clarity and emotional stability.

Stronger Relationships

Rest allows individuals to connect more deeply with their loved ones, strengthening bonds and creating lasting memories.

Health and Vitality

Quality sleep and nourishment boost physical health, increase energy levels, and promote longevity.


Rest empowers individuals to pursue their passions, dreams, and goals with unwavering determination.


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