The Rest Spot

accessible, transformative, life changing

Redefining the concept of Rest.

Rest is not a luxury but a fundamental human need. By providing a sanctuary for rejuvenation, we empower individuals to thrive in every aspect of their lives. Prioritizing rest by getting enough sleep, taking breaks, and incorporating relaxation into your routine is essential for overall well-being and quality of life.

When all you need is time to yourself.

We Are Here.

Exclusive Member Benefits

A space dedicated to comfort and inclusion

Respite Lounge

Members Only – Unlimited Access during business hours.

Unlimited healthy snacks & drinks


Chef prepared take-home meals available

Child enrichment activities


Included with Membership.
(Coming July 2024!)

Do This for You





I participated in the initial focus group and became a paying customer immediately. Having a comfortable place to go when I just need time to myself, is such a relief.

Lauren A.

I’m a full-time working Mom, and The Rest Spot is my gift to myself each month. I’m better overall when I have time to clear my head and escape from the day-to-day.

Brittany E.

Where was this when my children were little? They are in high school now, but the busy times have not slowed down. I love coming to The Rest Spot because no one asks me for anything!

Faith D.